The World of Interiors - Natasja Sadi
Project type : Interior Film
Location : Amsterdam, Netherlands
The fact that Natasja Sadi’s (@cakeatelieramsterdam) ‘tulips’, fashioned from powdered sugar and egg white, are ‘on the turn’ makes them doubly deceptive.
From her home studio in Amsterdam, on the top floors of an 18th-century merchant’s house on the Singel, the bridal designer-turned-artist explains how her meticulously crafted sugar flowers are as rich as any Golden Age still life.
Film director: @fliegauf_studio
Art director: @bvwnr
Associate producer: @leeyamirza
Colour grader: @menelaos_prime
Music composition & celeste: @monsieur_bisous
Cellist: @_felixstephens_
Digital director: @ellycparsons
Digital associate: @donnasalek